Thursday, August 23, 2007



Fusion began as a tribute to our shrinking borders, heralding a new era where traditions were enhanced by the mix-and-match ingenuity of innovative minds, ears and eyes. By the late 90s, every corner of every major city featured a meeting of cultures: restaurants, fashion and music reflected globalization’s diversified palate. But to compare Toronto-based R&B group Jamesking to an exotic sushi roll is to miss the point altogether. The soulful five-piece band, fronted by gifted vocalist Lyrical Gyles, may stem from all four corners of the globe, but their sound is rooted in the highest tradition of soul, funk, rhythm and blues.
After honing his writing skills in all styles of music, musician and composer Damir “Duff” Demirovic moved to Toronto and began to concoct his own fusion. But this was a melodic fusion of the finest lyrical blues, seasoned with the delicate strains of contemporary pop and R&B, and topped off with a delicious, soulful burst of funk. A new sound was ready to be heard.
When the time came to find the band to give his songs life, Duff was amazed to discover three immensely talented, driven and accomplished R&B musicians, all of whom had come from backgrounds just as diverse and international as his own. With Ran Caspi on bass, Ilian Iliev on keys, and David Yoon on percussion, the fusion continued to bubble and brew. Inspired by their love of R&B, the three experienced players crossed the same waters in search of the perfect alchemical style. That style became the Jamesking band.
Rounding out the lineup is silky, seductive songstress, Gyles. Her smooth, penetrating vocals add the right blend of harmony to Jamesking’s signature sound. A fixture on the local R&B scene, Gyles has performed with Juno-award nominees Jully Black, Camille Douglas, and Glenn Lewis, and graced Carlos Morgan’s first single, “Baby C’mon,” which appeared on Groove Essentials, Vol. I. Bringing her considerable performing experience to the mixture, Gyles adds the right dash of breathy soul and natural professionalism.
Now, as the band prepares to launch its sound to the world, these five musicians are busy blending their individual style, influence and background into a symphony of sound. During their very first gig, without any radio play, the band sold 15 CDs and 12 T-shirts – clearly indicating that their sound resonates with audiences. So the next time your ears brush the gentle strains of a mellow melody, invoking so much tradition, yet somehow remaining fresh and new, know that this is fusion at work; the meaning of international soul; the meeting of five unique souls; the music of Jamesking.

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