Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lisa Banton

Lisa Banton
Born and raised in Toronto Canada, Lisa Banton has been singing for as long as she can remember. Growing up, her father George Banton was her first musical influence. Known as the Soul of Toronto, her father is greatly recognized among the Caribbean population of the city for singing Reggae Gospel.
In the world of RNB, Lisa Banton is slowly making a name for herself. With a voice said to be soulful and from the heart, Lisa is ready to take the world by storm. Her musical influences range from Janet Jackson to Erykah Badu. The female of which is Lisa's biggest inspiration is none other then the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul, Mary J. Blige. Though it is evident how much of an influence Mary is through Lisa's voice, she is determined to develop and display a style all her own. Currently, Lisa is in the process of working on new material in hopes of becoming the next R&B sensation to come out of Toronto. Lisa will be doing performances and working with other artists across the city, which will in turn create an early fan base and provide her with experience that will help ensure longevity.

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